Thursday 23 February 2017

January Pillars of Care Awards

January Pillars of Care Ribbon Recipients

Paschalis AM:
Draco: care for self, has been working diligently to get ready for class and ready for dismissal more efficiently
Cynthea: care for learning, has been very respectful during most learning times by paying attention and showing interest in her learning, she has begun to put up her hand to offer important understandings
Deja: care for place, has been pushing in chairs and cleaning up the classroom
Desiree: care for others, shows great concern for others when they are hurt and takes steps to console/make sure that problems are solved peacefully

Rattan AM:
Care for Others: ___, for inviting other students to play and making everyone feel welcomed.
Care for Self: Shaylea, for getting his outdoor gear on by herself and making sure she checks her work before showing it to the teacher.
Care for Place: ___, for helping others clean their activity up.
Care for Learning: ___, for practicing her letter sounds at home and at school and participating more in class.

Paschalis PM:
___: care for learning, has been diligent during learning times and offers her opinions
Huong: care for place, has been cleaning up after himself and others
___: care for self, always selects a healthy snack
___: care for others, shows concern for friends that are not included in activities and finds a place for them to feel a sense of belonging

Grade 1
Room 3 - Grunert
Care for Self: Eyas shows care for self by cleaning up after himself, taking care of his personal items and school materials, and takes his time to complete work to the best of his ability
Care for Others: ___ shows care for others by working with a different classmates during math and literacy centers, she will assist peers when looking for a missing item or running an errand around the school, and is always willing to work with classmates when learning new concepts in any subject.
Care for Place: Rilley shows care for place by cleaning up after himself following snack, lunch, or independent work times, he will assist his classmates in cleaning up their stations during math and literacy centers, and he will often pick up items around the classroom and school that are or are not his.
Care for Learning: Evie shows care for learning by taking her time and always trying her hardest when completing a variety of learning tasks and she enjoys helping her classmates sound out words when completing writing or reading activities.

Room 4 - Nelson
Care for Self:  ___ shows care for self by cleaning up after himself and showing effort in keeping his belongings tidy.
Care for Others: Simon shows care for others by cleaning up after Math Centres and at other messy times throughout the day.
Care for Place: Teya shows care for place by cleaning up after herself after snack or lunch time and at independent learning times. She is often volunteering her time to make sure the book area is put away properly.
Care for Learning: Ehtisham shows care for learning by taking his time and always trying his best to complete many learning activities. He enjoys learning and participating in Literacy Centres.

Room 5 - Cokar
Care for Self: Nathaniel demonstrates care for self so he can be a focussed and attentive student. He does this by sitting near the teacher, moving away from any distractions, asks for help when he needs it, and is very aware of how he is feeling.
Care for Others: Meerab is a kind and caring student. She will ask others if they are okay, and is especially considerate with a special friend by helping if she is “stuck”. She is truly compassionate.
Care for Place: Vincent quickly and efficiently cares for place by pushing in chairs, putting materials back into book bins, finding homes for items that are lost, and keeping things organized.
Care for Learning: Carman doesn’t hesitate to ask questions or offer her ideas during classroom discussions. She is attentive and focused on her learning activities. She takes her time and puts considerable effort into her work.

Grade 2
Care for Place – ___ demonstrates care for place by maintaining a neat and organized desk tray, and tidying up our coat room every day.  Nicole helps her peers at clean up time, and always does any extra jobs she is asked to do.
Care for Self – Abigail cares for her heart by choosing to surround herself with kind and caring people.  She speaks up for herself on the playground, and advocates for her learning by asking to take work home when she feels like she has catching up to do.
Care for Learning – Ethan W. takes the time to complete his work thoughtfully, especially when he is writing stories.  He loves to share his writing with his teachers and classmates.  Ethan checks to make sure he knows what the expectations for learning are, and helps clarify them for his peers.
Care for Others – Kori-Lynne is liked by all of her classmates.  They describe her as funny, caring, and sweet.  Kori shares her learning materials with anyone who asks, plays with lots of different groups of students, and treats everyone with kindness.

Care for Self: Elizabeth. Elizabeth always chooses a healthy snack to eat. She also makes sure to put on all appropriate outside gear when it is cold.
Care for Others: Logan. Logan is always kind and compassionate towards other students. He helps other students with work and is always eager to share supplies.
Care for Place: Surri.  Surri is always eager to help clean up the classroom. She makes sure to put communal supplies back where they belong.
Care for Learning: Sadie. Sadie always completes her classroom work diligently. She works hard at every tasks and always asks for help when she needs it.

Care for Self: ___ - for working hard to find ways to help himself concentrate and complete tasks.
Care for Others: Maryam - for always sitting and working quietly so she doesn’t disturb others.
Care for Place: Lucas - for picking up garbage and item on the floor that don’t belong to him to keep our classroom clean.
Care for Learning: ___ - for working so hard to improve the neatness of his printing.

Grade 3
Care for Self: Gregory makes solid choices for himself about following rules that are meant to keep him safe at school.
Care for Others: Kaylee shows care for others when she helps get other students going on their math in the morning!
Care for Place: Liam A. is always busy cleaning up, organizing and putting away materials that others have used.
Care for Learning: Shyana taught her peers how to use photo booth and then to attach pictures into IRIS so our learning goals are documented!!  Super excited.

Self-Haider shows care for self by keeping a positive attitude.  He laughs when things are funny and snickers when a bad joke is told.  He has a great sense of humor.
Others-___ shows care for others in many ways.  He sat with Brady during the downtime at the Christmas concert.  He brought his friend’s belongings to the office when his friend had to go home.  Ahmad is a kind and thoughtful friend.
Place-___ keeps her desk area neat, inside and outside.  Even after having lunch in the classroom because of the cold weather, Laiba’s desk was spic and span.
Learning-Vanessa chooses a spot close to the teacher so she can avoid being distracted by others who may want to talk to her.  She is keen to learn more and tries her best.

Care for Self: Landon - For following the rules around the school and listening to the instructions that keep him safe.
Care for Others: Sage - For finding people to play with at recess when they were lonely.
Care for Place: Jason - For keeping his desk drawer and are clean.
Care for Learning: ___ - For reading quietly during quiet reading even if others around him are talking

Grade 4
Care for Self: Blake for making positive choices within the classroom and outside. Blake is starting to ask for help when he needs it and make decisions that show respect towards himself and others.
Care for Others: Julie for helping another student with reading when we were sharing stories from our journals. Julie was very patient and helped the other student sound out words or would whisper sentences so that student could read them out loud.
Care for Place: ___ for staying organized and helping clean up items in the classroom. She is always willing to help others find items or clean up.
Care for Learning: Sawyer for staying focused and completing all of his work. Sawyer is beginning to push himself with his learning by re-reading his writing, adding details and adding in information that he finds interesting.

Care for Self: ___, for taking hold of his learning by moving on to next steps independently. He sets goals for himself at the beginning of the week and works towards achieving them daily.
Care for Others: ___, for always being open to making new friends (especially with new students to the school.) He comes in with a smile and easily gets along with everyone.
Care for Place: Qiana, for always keeping her working space tidy and when it is classroom cleanup time she stays on task to get her duties done.
Care for Learning: Anna, for always being focused and extending her work independently, when she is done early. She is excited for all new learning topics and stays engaged during all lessons.

Care for Self: Zack has been demonstrating consistent care for self since school has started. He removes himself from situations that he does not feel comfortable with, he knows where safe places to play are, and he is always in a happy and positive mood as a result.
Care for Others: Maheen’s on-going help with her classmates is always evident. She helps her peers without being asked, and she anticipates how others could use her assistance.
Care for Place: ___ has been working diligently are caring for her classroom. Her quiet, yet focused cleaning and organizing efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Care for Learning: Fatima’s love for school is obvious to everyone around her. She is known to take care of her learning materials, works towards her goals, and is passionate about growing further.

Grade 5
Room 19 Laird/Sadowsky
Care for self: Elias shows care for self by always ensuring his work is done on time. He also does not take things too seriously and always appears to be having fun while also standing up for himself.
Care for others: Tyrone shows care for others by treating them nice and with respect. He works quietly in class and does not cause a distraction to others trying to work.
Care for place: Aengus shows care for place by voluntarily helping to clean up the classroom and the space around him. He also puts rulers and markers away even if they are not his.
Care for learning: Mandy shows care for learning by remaining quiet and attentive when a teacher or classmate is talking. Mandy is also an active participant during group discussions.

Room 16 - Locke - Peer Nominated
Care for Self:  Kirsten shows care for self by always drinking water and packing healthy lunches.  She keeps her workspace clean and organized.
Care for Others:  Tallia shows care for others because she treats others with respect and is kind to everyone.  
Care for Place:  Emily shows care for place by cleaning the whole room and staying a little late after school to take care of the class and get it organized.
Care for Learning:  Lukey shows care for learning by getting his work done on time, staying on task, and trying his absolute best.

Room 17- Wallace
Care for Self: ___ shows care for self by staying on-task and getting her work done. She is always responsible and respectful of her computer.
Care for Others: Ian shows care for others by always using his browsing stick when in the library. This greatly helps Mrs. P keep the library books organized so that they are easy to find.
Care for Place: Amrit shows care for place by telling our class a joke at the end of the day. He always does his best to make his classmates laugh and feel good before leaving. This really helps create a positive classroom environment.
Care for Learning: Louis shows care for others by being quiet and respectful so that his classmates can and himself can learn. He has been doing a fantastic job of listening to instructions and getting straight to work.

Grade 6
Mrs. Harris Room 15
Care for self: Brian shows care for self by taking the time to complete all his assignments in class the best he can. He also puts forth the best effort for himself.
Care for others: Isabella shows care for others by including people in groups and helping those around her in the classroom.
Care for place: Ariella shows care for place by voluntarily taking down the chairs in the morning to start the day.
Care for learning: Kyle B. shows care for learning by being on task in all learning activities whether that be group work, reading, writing or Phys. Ed. He is always doing his best in the learning environment.

Mr. Shackelton Room 14
Care for Self: ___ demonstrates care for self by always doing his work, never distracting those around him, and asking teachers for extension tasks when done the work in lesson.
Care for Others: Danika constantly supports others during lessons, with reading, handing documents out, and always asks the teacher what she can do next to help the class!  Keep this up at your new school!
Care for Place: Michelle deserves this award for without being asked, took the initiative to sweep the classroom after our Maker Space lesson.  Thank you!  
Care for Learning: Debbie recently received the only level 4 in the classroom on her short story.  She constantly asks how to improve and strives for that higher level of achievement in all she does; she is an inspiration for the class!

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