Thursday 23 February 2017

February Pillars of Care Awards

February Pillars of Care Awards

Paschalis AM:
Draco: Place, has been diligent about cleaning up after himself
Hunter: learning, has been making great efforts to show his learning during class times and putting up his hand
___: others, has been making sure her friends have opportunities to take part in play activities
Lily: self, has been finding her voice and telling others what she likes and does not like in order to take care of her needs

Rattan AM:
___: Care for Learning, has shown great effort and focus during solving her math story problems.
Hazel: Care for self, Hazel has shown more independence in her work in terms writing her letters and small words.
James: Care for others, James has demonstrated care for others by letting other students share toys with him and letting them go in front of him in line.
___: Care for place, has been excellent in cleaning up her own mess and helping others do so as well.

Paschalis PM:
___: learning, has been finding a lot of confidence in his abilities and sharing his ideas more often
Layla: self, has been working on finding her voice to tell others what she needs or does not like, sometimes this is difficult and takes bravery
___: others, has been working on his communication skills and taking care of what his friends need as well as what he needs, he gives them a turn to talk and tries to respond uses hand signals and a few English words that he knows
Houng: place, takes care of classroom toys and reminds others not the throw or mistreat them

Grade 1
Care for Learning - Huu - He focuses on his work and rarely disrupts others. He is able to work independently and get his jobs done.
Care for Place - Leah - She makes sure that everything is cleaned up and enjoys cleaning up the classroom when it needs to be done.
Care for Others -  Kaydynce - She enjoys making sure everyone is ok and seeing if they need help with anything.
Care for Self - ___ - She continues to work to tie her shoes on her own.

Care for Learning - Whitney works hard independently and in small groups, she likes to work one-on-one with the teacher and asks questions for clarification. Whitney is willing to take on any challenge with a positive attitude.
Care for Place - ___ enjoys helping clean up the learning space. She will volunteer to organize books and help others clean up after centers and any art activities.
Care for Others - ___ is always playing with new friends outside and showing care for them when they are hurt or in a difficult situation.
Care for Self - Ryker takes care of his belongings in the classroom, he takes his time when completing any work, and is becoming more confident in himself when playing with friends and completing more difficult work in the classroom.

Care for Learning - ___ demonstrates Care for Learning by diligently working on his tasks. He completes his work with care, taking his time. He works quiety and carefully to get his work done.
Care for Place - ___ is very helpful when it comes to keeping Room 5 neat and organized, and is very efficient when it comes to Care for Place. He will ask where things should be if he does not know, and quickly cleans up after others and himself.
Care for Others - Arinanna shows Care for Others by sharing if someone is hurt or needs attention. She will ask a friend if he or she is okay, and gives reminders to not forget lunch bags and hats.
Care for Self - Alia demonstrates Care for Self by always eating healthy snacks, being dressed for seasonal weather, and listening to her body when she needs a drink of water to fuel her brain.

Grade 2
Care for PlaceFoad
Foad demonstrates care for place by doing an excellent job of returning our late entry slips to the office, and handling our classroom recycling.  Foad keeps his work space clear, and puts his materials away after using them.
Care for SelfAmeilia E
Ameilia cares for her heart by making good choices for friends. She speaks up for herself on the playground, and advocates for her learning by asking for help to understand expectations and assigned tasks.    
Care for LearningDawson
Dawson seeks to clarify the task before beginning in order to prevent misunderstandings.  He listens during lessons, and works as a leader within his peer group, offering help to any other students who need it.   
Care for Others Cammeron
Cammeron is liked by all of her classmates.  They describe her as sweet, funny, and kind.  Cammeron enjoys working with and reading with her classmates, and is always respectful of other students and adults.

Care for Place- Shi Yao. Shi Yao is always taking extra care to clean up our classroom. He picks up garbage or cleans up supplies on a regular basis.
Care for Self- Bennett. Bennett is taking extra care to help himself focus. He uses classroom supplies like headphones or asks for teacher support.
Care for Others- Paytinn. Paytinn takes great care to support others in the classroom. She helps fellow students with work and is always eager to share supplies.
Care for Learning- ___. ___ always works hard in class. She completes all learning tasks on time and at a very high quality.

Care For Place - ___ for putting supplies away where they belong.
Care For Self - Micklan for putting his hand up and sharing his ideas during class discussions
Care For Others - Milo for sitting quietly on the carpet so others can listen
Care for Learning - ___ for always working hard to get her work finished as quickly as possible

Grade 3
Learning- Ethan C. works hard at every task and tries new things readily.  Always willing to share his thinking.
Self - Liam L. demonstrates care for self when he is attentive to his task and uses the tools that are put in place to help him focus on his work.
Place - Matthew is always willing to clean up after others in our classroom.
Others - ___ shows care for others when he offers to work with different classmates and displays compassion for his peers.

Self-Brooklyn shows care for self by dressing appropriately for snowy, rainy or sunny weather.
Place-Connor shows care for place by helping to tidy the coat room at the end of the day which includes putting up shoes and jackets that have been left on the floor.
Others-Chudear shows care for others by answering classmates’ questions and by helping whenever she is needed.
Learning-___ shows care for learning by staying at his desk during independent work times.  He is starting to ask questions to help him clarify his understandings.

Learning - Jason for taking the time to work on his Mr. Men poster and Cricket in Times Square comics making sure they are neat and done to the best of his ability.
Self - Landon for always having a healthy snack.
Others - Daniel for helping someone look up and spell a word during a Language arts activity.
Place - ___ was spotted picking up garbage outside to help keep Beddington beautiful.

Grade 4
Learning- Mohamed has shown that he takes a lot of pride in his work and has been responsible with his homework. He even showed that he is ready to move up to the next level with his spelling! Keep up the great work, Mohamed!  
Self- ___ is new to our school, but that didn’t stop him from naturally displaying what care for self looks like. He is always dressed for the weather, and he makes safe choices when it comes to choosing people to play with.
Place- Ocean has always been a great leader when it comes to tidying up the classroom. She also comes to school with stories about how she cared for place at her home, too!
Others- Adam has been working really hard towards earning his care for others award. He has been quick to respond to a student in need, and he does so without hesitation!

Learning: Finn - Finn shows dedication in his learning by working to complete all tasks to the best of his ability. He is willing to help other students during work periods and is always eager to share ideas and information with the rest of the class.
Self: Aurora - Aurora always participates in GoNoodle activities within the classroom. She understands how these movement breaks demonstrate healthy choices. She was away for a few weeks and when she came back she made good choices and jumped right into her learning with a positive attitude.
Others: Tristan: During our social studies research projects, Tristan took time away from his own project to help other students with their Powerpoints. During presentations, Tristan stood by the presenters to help them hook their computer up to the Smartboard and helped with any technical problems that came up.
Place: Lexy: Lexy helps to clean up the classroom. She is often one of the only students to notice and tidy up shelves and bins throughout the classroom.

Learning- Jarvis has been working very hard on his story the past month. He has shown a passion in creating stories that are interesting and detailed. He has been very proud and excited to show the class.
Self- Fatima Z. is always on task and ready to help others when she finishes early. She completes work daily to the best of her ability.
Place- Blake shows care for place by cleaning up after himself and teaching others the importance of not littering.
Others- Derick is always willing to work with new people and gets along with everyone outside and in the classroom.

Grade 5
Care for Self:
Justin shows care for self by setting personal learning goals that are specific, timely, and achievable.  He puts a great deal of thought and effort into his schoolwork – both the quality and the final product.
Care for Others:
Tydeus is an extremely kind and caring classmate who works well with others when working in partners, and in both small and large groups.
Care for Place:
Ivan helps to beautify our classroom space by donating his artwork to the class.  He also makes sure that the coat-hook area is neat and tidy at the end of each day.
Care for Learning:
Breton cares for learning by putting his best effort into his academics.  He asks for help when necessary, and continues to work on editing and revising written pieces.

Care for Self: Savannah
Savannah cares for self by always having a water bottle to drink when she is feeling tired. She also always asks questions when she does not understand instructions.
Care for Learning: Gary
Gary puts a lot of effort into his school work. If he does not complete a task at school he works on it at home and always returns it the next day.
Care for Other: Samantha
Samantha is very good with helping her classmates stay on task. She stays quiet during instructional time and always willing to help her peers understand material during group work.
Care for Place: Sophia
Sophia is very friendly to everyone and always smiling. She befriends everyone that crosses her path. She is always willing to include her peers in both the classroom and at the playground. She really makes the school environment nice to be in.

Care for Self: ___ - ___ shows care for self by recognizing what she needs to do in order to do her best work and be in the green zone for learning. She uses strategies to get herself ready for difficult tasks and advocates for herself when she needs to.  
Care for Others: Kiana - Kiana shows care for others by going out of her way to make people happy and by always showing respect to everyone she meets.
Care for Place: Jayme - Jayme shows care for place by picking up litter, returning laptops to the laptop cart that other students leave lying around and by returning classroom belongings to their place without being asked.
Care for Learning: ___ - ___ shows care for learning by being a hard worker, asking questions when he needs help and by learning to put his best effort into his work.

Grade 6
Care for Self: Seth - completing and catching up on any missed school work and assignments
Care for Others: Millie - always willing to cooperate with peers and teachers
Care for Place: Aiden - taking care to tidy up the classroom library books
Care for Learning: Damien - staying in multiple recesses and lunch recesses to stay ahead in assignments and prevent homework.

Care for Self: ___ -   He always has a smile on (which is infectious), eager to try to new concepts, and lately has been working independently using Razkids.
Care for Others: Joey - She consistently helps to make those around her better.   She actively helps students discover new strategies to solve problems.  She is an excellent and contributing team player.
Care for Place: Isaiah - Constantly helps clean up after basketball practice, ensures his and his groups spots are always tidy after using them, thank you!

Care for Learning: Carmen - Coming from a new school and province is enough to make any student feel overwhelmed, emotional and behind a step;.  Carmen constantly puts her best effort in any activity and strives to the best she can be.

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