Thursday 17 November 2016

November Pillars of Care Awards

November Pillars of Care Ribbon Recipients


Paschalis AM:
Care for Self: ___
-eating healthy snacks
Care for Others: Brianna
-Helping people when they are sad
Care for Place: ___
-cleaning all toys around her, then helping others to clean
Care for Learning: Venus
- having answers and always paying attention

Paschalis PM:
Care for Others: ___
-taking care of people when they are hurt
Care for Self:- Zeeshan:
-eating healthy snacks
Care for Place: Liam:
-cleaning up after himself and helping other to clean
Care for Learning: Selina :
-sharing unique ideas and waiting her turn

Rattan AM:
Care for Others: ___
-helping others with clean up and bringing friends together to  join activities
Care for Self: ___
-is being more responsible of her work and getting on time.
Care for Place: Moamen
-cleaning up after himself for snack and playtime.
Care for Learning: Jennifer
-Having answers and paying attention.

Grade 1

Care for Self: Aziza
-she minds her own business, understands that her learning is important, does her work with care, able to ignore distractions, makes good choices on the playground

Care for Others: Taylor
-if anyone is hurt, she is alway there to help, she shows concern for her fellow classmates, she enjoys helping others with work around the classroom when completed her task
Care for Place: Cayden
-always picking up pencil off the floor, will pick up other people's’ garbage, pushing in chairs for his friends,
Care for Learning: Seraj
-gets to work right away, he listens during instructions and knows exactly what his task is, he does not interrupt others learning, he always asks questions when he needs help

Care for Self: Ammar
-keeps to himself, takes care and pride in his work and learning, cleans up after himself, takes care of his personal items and school materials
Care for Others: N’Kenya
-helping friends when they are hurt, she will ask new people to play with her outside and takes turns on the playground equipment, she enjoys helping others with tasks around the classroom
Care for Place: Sloane
-she will take time to pick up garbage off the playground at recess time,
Care for Learning: Max
-completes his work with a great deal of care, always focused on the carpet, able to ignore distractions around him, active participant in class discussions

Care for Self: John
-When students were asked about Pillars of Care, John shared he is all about Care for Self. He is very aware of his needs, and when requiring support he will either use strategies he has learned or will ask the teacher for help. John shows Care for Self by working in places in the classroom where he can do his best.
Care for Others: ___
-___ demonstrates Care of Others consistently. She will communicate how she shows care, such as making sure a friend is not alone at recess and asking friends how they are doing. ___’s Care for Others comes from her heart, as evidenced by her being emotionally moved and showing deep empathy for a hurt friend.
Care for Place: Matty
-Matty seeks out ways to ensure Room 5 is a neat and tidy learning environment. Of his own choice, he has been seen organizing book bins, pushing in chairs, and keeping our learning materials together. Matty asks what else he can do in the classroom to show Care for Place.
Care for Learning: ___
-___ exemplifies Care for Learning every possible opportunity. He will share with his peers what he knows, provides examples, and does not hesitate to participate in classroom discussions. ___ takes pride in his work, attempts to take his learning one step further, and does not give up.

Grade 2

Care for Self:  Mary-Anne
-for working hard to learn and read new words
Care for Others - James
-for being a great friend and helper to our new student
Care for Place - Vallie
-for cleaning up whenever there is a mess, even if it’s not hers
Care for Learning - Olivia
-for always listening and following directions

Care for Place: ___
-___ takes great pride in his job as our classroom coatroom monitor.  He recognizes when his classmates have left a mess, and gets right to work, hanging coats, pairing shoes, and tucking them in against the wall.  He keeps our space safe in the event of a lockdown.
Care for Learning:  Blake
-Blake is always one of the first students to be ready for any learning activity.  He contributes to class discussions, seeks assistance when needed, works diligently to complete his assigned tasks, and makes responsible choices to extend his learning.
Care for Self: Jasmine
-Jasmine makes good choices in and out of the classroom that make her feel good about herself.  She avoids the distractions of her peers in order to complete her learning tasks, asks for help from her teachers and her friends, and treats other students with respect.  Jasmine chooses healthy options for snacks, leaving treats for after her lunch, and engages in active play outside to keep her body healthy.
Care for Others: Aanika
-Aanika is able to find something positive to say about any of her classmates.  She is always willing to work with anyone, and uses the problem solving techniques taught at school to resolve conflicts between herself and her peers.  

Care for Self: Connie
-Consistently makes health conscious (i.e. healthy snacks, knowing when to use the washroom) decisions and gets started on her work as soon as a task is assigned.
Care for Others: Nelson
-He is a friend to everyone in the class. He is always looking out for the best interest of others and helps others when he finishes his work before them.
Care for Place: Yak
-A classroom leader and shows exemplary care for place. He is always cleaning up his own mess as well as the mess of others. He willingly tidies different areas of the classroom including the reading corner and materials station.
Care for Learning: Jimmy
-He is always ready and willing to learn. He doesn’t give up when reaching a point that challenges him and contributes without hesitation to group learning and discussions.

 Grade 3

Care for Self: Blake
-Speaks up for himself when he feels he is not being treated fairly
Care for Others: Butrint
-For offering to help others to complete their work
Care for Place - Jalen
-He is always willing to help clean up and organize our classroom
Care for Learning - Lily
-Lily completes all assignments to the best of her ability

Care for Self: Evey
-Evey shows care for self by remembering to wear her glasses every day.
Care for Others: Chloe
-Chloe shows care for others by trying to help people who are having trouble with their work in the classroom.
Care for Place: Joshua
-Joshua shows care for place by keeping his desk area neat and tidy.  Even the inside is clean!
Care for Learning: Molly
-Molly shows care for learning by sitting near the teacher and listening carefully during instructional times.

Beechey: (These are kid nominated results!)
Care for Self: Landon
-for always getting to his desk and doing his work
Care for Learning: Sage
-for listening to the stories in class so she knows what to do in the lesson.
Care for Place: ___
-for helping the ‘Save the Environment Club’ pick up garbage and also for fixing a coat hook in our coat-room
Care for Others: Quinnlin
- for playing with someone who had no one else to play with at recess.

Grade 4

Care for Self: Andy L.
-Andy has been dressing appropriately for the weather, eating healthy foods, playing with students that he knows are good choices, and follows all rules exceptionally well which keeps him safe.
Care for Others: Katie S.  
-Katie has always been someone that her classmates can reply on. She cheers people up when they are down, she gives off positive encouragement to those around her, and she empathises as well as sympathizes with her peers as well as teachers.
Care for Place: Rukkiyya I.
-When Rukkiyya is asked to do a favour, such as clean up, organize, and put away learning materials that the class has used, she does so without hesitation. Thanks for being such a great helper, Rukki!
Care for Learning: Jorden H.
-Jorden is showing mature choices around his learning in terms where he is placing himself in the classroom. He chose to move his desk to a quiet spot near the back where he won’t get distracted by others. He also brings his novel to a teacher for support when he is confronted with a word that he cannot sound out and, he checks in with a teacher periodically with his work to make sure that he is completing it correctly.

Care for learning: ___
___ has shown care for learning by taking extra steps to further her learning on all topics. She is keen to answer questions and share her ideas with the class. She practices her spelling words and anything else that is sent home. Sabrina is a leader in our class when it comes to getting to work right away and focusing on the task.
Care for others: Eric
-Eric has stepped up this year when it comes to helping others. Specifically, helping a new student make a healthy and warm transition to a new school, in a new country. Eric helps others with humour and kindness.
Care for place: Kaylee
-Kaylee has intentionally shown care for place since the beginning of the year. She is a leader for others with her organizational skills as well as caring for the outside area of our school. She always tries her best to follow the directions of all adults in the school.
Care for self: Fatima T.
-Fatima shows great enthusiasm when it comes to doing well on all areas of school work. She takes pride in studying as well as getting to work right away. She always comes to school with intention to learn and a great enthusiasm for new topics.

Care for Self: Goner J.
-Goner has come to school with a positive attitude and is ready and willing to participate in all activities even though he has a broken leg.
Care for Others: Hazel K.
-Hazel was nominated for this award by her classmates for being so helpful, kind and compassionate.
Care for Place: Kendall F.
-Kendall spent part of her recess picking up garbage off of the compound and putting it into the garbage can.
Care for Learning: Zara A.
-Zara was nominated by her classmates because of her focus during work periods and how she follows classroom expectations

Grade 5

Locke: (Student-Nominated)
Care for Self: Emily D.
-Emily makes healthy choices including eating well.  She is always kind to herself and does what’s best.
Care for Others: ___
-For being kind to others, and helping other students including her friends when they are sad or hurt.
Care for Place: Lexi N.
-Lexi always takes time to ensure that our outside spaces are neat.  She often picks up garbage while outside during her free time.
Care for Learning: ___
-S___ always completes her work on time and to the best of her abilities.  She always asks for help when she needs it.

Care for Self: no nominee
Care for Learning: William L
-William always comes into class prepared and ready to learn. He never needs to be asked to do something but takes it upon himself to get started. His homework is always complete and is eager to take his learning beyond the minimum expectations.
Care for Others: Kaley L
-Kaley shows care for others by consistently being willing to help her classmates in any way she can. She is willing to work with any partner and and does her best to make sure they understand the task. She works quietly and never causes a distraction or interference in others ability to learn.
Care for Place: Alice W
-Alice shows care for place by picking up garbage and cleaning without having to be told. She takes pride in her classroom and her school and is a positive example to others through her leadership in this area.

Care for Self: Brie
-Brie is being nominated for Care for Self because when she misses a day of school she takes it upon herself to ask what she missed and to get her work done quickly on her own time.
Care for Learning: Wendy
-Wendy is nominated for Care for Learning because she always raises her hand when she doesn’t understand.
Care for Other: Jacky
-Jacky is nominated for Care for Others because he is always willing to help his classmates or teacher when extra help is needed.
Care for Place: Nyathyang
-Nyathyang is nominated for Care for Place because she always picks up garbage in the soccer fields and throws it out.

Grade 6

Care for Self: Alex W
-Alex makes good choices in whom he works with and where he sits so that he can better pay attention in class.
Care for Others: Breanna B.
-Breanna always helps and takes care of the new students in our class.  
Care for Place: Kayley W.
-Kayley always volunteers to ensure the shared spaces (e.g. class library, laptop cart)  in our classroom is clean and tidy.
Care for Learning: Brian C.
-Brian ensures he has all his materials prior to leaving and coming into the classroom.  Brian always completes his assignments on time and to the best of his abilities.

Care for Self: Idrees Z
-He comes to school on time, follows instructions, completes his homework, takes excellent notes, and is always listening how to become a better student!
Care for Others:  Michelle P
-She is the definition of a leader.  Michelle will help anyone who asks, and constantly provides support to her peers and staff alike.  Each and everyday Michelle asks what she can do to help out!  
Care for Place: Ben A
-Ben takes care of his personal space, desk, and any area he works in.  He tucks in his and other’s chairs, and picks up after others without hesitation.    
Care for Learning: Angel O
-Angel has demonstrated that with hard work, and asking questions she can overcome any learning obstacle.  She always attends to the task at hand and tries her best, even if the subject proves difficult for her.

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