Thursday 20 October 2016

October Pillars of Care Awards

October Pillars of Care Ribbon Recipients


Paschalis AM:
Care for Self: Lily W. - eating healthy snacks
Care for Others: Elyse - Helping people when they are sad
Care for Place: Talia - cleaning all toys around her, then helping others to clean
Care for Learning: Ryan T. -  having answers and always paying attention

Care for others: Floyd - taking care of people when they are hurt
Care for self:- Treyton: eating healthy snacks
Care for Place: Aiden: cleaning up after himself and helping other to clean
Care for Learning: Ailey : sharing unique ideas

Care for Self: Thomas W
Care for Others: Shaylea M
Care for Place: Joy O
Care for Learning: Yiting

Grade 1:

Care for Self: Hanna T
Care for Others: ___
Care for Place: Aiden R
Care for Learning: Teagan R

Care for Self: Seren E - ignores distractions, cleans up after herself after snack,
Care for Others: ___ - always helpful with work, will help others find lost items around the room or at lost and found
Care for Place:___ - will take extra time to clean up the classroom, willingly walks around and pushes in chairs
Care for Learning: Chance S - always tries his best, raise his hand, waits patiently, will complete extra work at home in the evenings, takes his time, works hard

Care for Self: Ally
Care for Others: ___
Care for Learning: Cassidee
Care for Place: Ahmed

Grade 2:

Care for Self: Ishika B - For choosing a healthy snack.
Care for Others: Kaleb H - For helping a fellow student to complete work.
Care for Place: Cassidy K - For helping to clean up the classroom, even when the mess is not hers.
Care for Learning: Breanna K- For diligent completion of classroom work.

Care for Self:  Kaden - always chooses a healthy snack at recess
Care for Others - Garmei - always listening when others are speaking
Care for Place - Molly - puts aways supplies where they belong
Care for Learning - ___ - always completes assignments to the best of her ability

Care for Self: Ameiliah M - Consistently speaks up for herself when she feels she has been treated unkindly by her peers.
Care for Others: Yoyo - Yoyo is quick to respond to the needs of her peers, whether that need is help with an assignment, getting the aid of an adult if a friend is injured, or offering a hug to a student who seems down.  
Care for Place: Kyte T. - Kyte is always willing to help with cleaning or organizing any part of our classroom that needs attention.
Care for Learning: Fynn P-I - Always does her best to participate in lessons, offers feedback to her peers when they share their thoughts and experiences.

Grade 3:

Care for Self: Vivian C
Care for Others: Peyton P
Care for Place: Marlo S
Care for Learning: Shona S

Care for Self: ___
Care for Others: ___
Care for Place: Leeland
Care for Learning: Caleigh

Care for Self:___- For making sure he has fuel for the day before he starts his learning
Care for Others: Rafael - For making sure that everyone around him knows what to do
Care for Place: Allison - For always helping to clean up the classroom
Care for Learning: ___ - For being extremely patient with his laptop when he was practicing the SLAs

Grade 4:

Care for Self: Sara B – Sara cares for herself by never giving up on her learning goals. She comes in daily and goes straight to her activities.
Care for Others: Shawn O – Shawn cares for others by always using manners and staying positive and happy.
Care for Place: Edwin G– Edwin cares for this place by following all school policies. He is a quiet and strong leader when it comes to keeping a tidy space and always staying organized.
Care for Learning: Rebecca M – She cares for her learning by understanding her own individual learning needs and does whatever she needs to succeed.

Care for Self: Abby - Abby continually chooses healthy snacks for recess
Care for Others: Kyla - Kyla helped a student who was visibly frustrated calm down by having them take deep breaths, telling them everything it would be okay and helping them move to a calm space.
Care for Place: Rowan - Rowan helped to tidy and organize the lost and found. He also helped out by taking the recycling to the bin for Mrs. P in the library
Care for Learning: Madison - Madison focuses on her work and is always willing to help others if they have questions

Care For Self: Maheen K. - Maheen shows Care for Self by using respectful and responsible words, actions and choices. She always has positive interactions with others, and thus, always has a good day at school. She knows how to create a positive experience for herself.
Care For Others: Leah M. - Leah is someone who can make anybody cheer up and smile. She cares very much about others’ feelings, and she is mindful of how to treat others. She is a good listening and helps others through conferencing, making jokes, or giving a hug or pat on the back.
Care For Place: Adam K. - Adam is great at keeping his learning material organized, as well as the rest of the classroom. He is aware of the small things, like pushing your chair in, returning items facing the right way, and keeping things neat.
Care For Learning: Ocean R. - Ocean consistently chooses a good learning spot on the carpet, is focused during tasks, and shares her thoughts and opinions freely.

Grade 5:

Care for Self: Mahdiya A
Care for Others: Timothy K
Care for Place: ___
Care for Learning: Cameron W

Care for Self : Kirsten B – focuses, makes the right choices, tries her best when something is a little too hard
Care for Others: Jordan R-L – includes others in games, if people get hurt he’s there to help in any way that he can
Care for Place: Lukey K – puts away supplies, uses them with respect
Care for Learning: Matthew Z – stays on task and focused, gets his work done quickly

Care for Self: ___ - he asks for help (when he requires some extra guidance) so that he can do a task at his best abilities.

Care for Place: Wendy - she takes care of her classroom materials and keeps an organized binder so that she is ready to learn.

Care for Others: Savannah - she invites other students to play with her when she sees that they are feeling left out.

Care for Learning: Eva - she has been working really hard at completing her work in a timely manner.

Grade 6:

Care for Self: Goldia G
-She understands when it is time to work hard and when to let loose and relax. She comes to school on time with all her materials ready to learn.
Care for Others: Millie P
-She is also willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it, including Mrs. Tam.  When helping others, she is extremely patient and thorough.
Care for Place: Ariella T
-She always volunteers to keep our class tidy without being asked.
Care for Learning: Daniel C
-He has demonstrated perseverance in his learning despite running into challenges.  He is focused during class time and takes risks in participating in class discussions
Care for Self: Joey T
Joey consistently completes her homework on time, and puts in a solid effort on any classroom task!
Care for Others:  Cooper T
Cooper constantly helps peers with work, concepts, and has been a great reading buddy partner.
Care for Place: Christian C 
He has been excellent at recycling in our classroom, in the Mavericks program and cleaning up after school.    
Care for Learning: Alice O
Alice always goes the extra mile in her projects and really pushes herself to be a level 4 student. Also, she lends her subject knowledge to any peers who ask.  


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