Thursday 20 October 2016

December Pillars of Care Awards

December Pillars of Care Ribbon Recipients


Paschalis AM:
Care for Self: ___, for washing hands and eating healthy
Care for Others: Kruz, for making sure everyone gets a turn to be first in line
Care for Place: Braxton, for taking care to turn off lights when leaving a room
Care for Learning: Casin, for helping others to follow classroom rules

Paschalis PM:
Care for Others: Justin, for being gentle with friends
Care for Self: Layla, for making sure her voice is heard
Care for Place:___, for helping everyone clean up before lining up
Care for Learning: ___, for paying attention and taking part in classroom activities

Grade 1

Care for Self: Nathan, working at making better choices to improve in all areas.
Care for Others: Laila, making sure other students understand their work and helping them with it.
Care for Place: Majdi, Cleaning up after himself, and others, and doing it with a smile on his face.
Care for Learning: ___, taking his time and showing excitement for his work

Care for Self: ___, takes her time when doing her work, cleans up after herself and makes sure she does exactly what the teacher says.
Care for Others: Scarlet, she helps her friends clean up, she helps her peers sound out words, she makes sure others are ok when they are sad, she plays with new friends.
Care for Place: ___, cleans up books even if he didn’t make the mess. Helps others clean up their stuff as well.
Care for Learning: Paul, does his best to sound out his words and does his homework every day.

Care for Self: Tamika communicates her needs and wants. She expresses her thoughts and will share the reasons for the actions she engages in to show Care for Self. She is proud to do many things independently, such as completing her learning activities.    
Care for Others: Raina quietly exemplifies Care for Others, without the need to be recognized for this pillar. She will help a peer who has been hurt, invites others to join her during center time, shares supplies, and will help spell words.
Care for Place: Max routinely demonstrates what it means to be part of a community in our classroom by showing Care for Place. He takes on an active role in ensuring Room 5 is presentable and ready for tomorrow’s learning.
Care for Learning: Ethan consistently volunteers answers during circle time, and will often do “extra” work. His enthusiasm when it comes to Care for Learning is contagious, as his peers will try to follow his lead.  

Grade 2

Care for Self: Sydnee
For working very hard to improve her reading
Care for Others: ___
For listening quietly on the carpet so others can listen and learn too
Care for Place: Lokyang
For picking up garbage (that wasn’t his) in the hallway without being asked
Care for Learning: Addison
For being a good listener so she always knows what to do

Care for Place: ___
___ routinely offers to help clean up areas of the classroom that are in need of tidying.  She has also spent several recess breaks outside picking up trash left by other students in order to set a good example.
Care for Learning: Ruazel  
Ruazel consistently works to improve his work, complete his assignments on time, and further his understanding by asking questions and sharing his knowledge with his peers.
Care for Self: Tristan
Tristan finds partners for work and play that treat him kindly and do their best because he wants to surround himself with positive influences.  He asks questions, seeks assistance when needed, and reflects upon his own actions and learning to set goals and get more out of his school experience.
Care for Others: Doch
Doch brings a bright, positive energy into our classroom every day.  She is kind to her classmates, and seeks to help others with their work whenever she can.

Care for Self: Chibudom
Chibudom always makes sure to put on all of his cold weather gear before going outside.
Care for Others: Jasmijn
Jasmijn is always kind and compassionate towards her fellow students. She makes sure to help others with learning tasks when possible.
Care for Place: Vincent
Vincent always helps clean up the classroom and keeps his desk neat and organized.  
Care for Learning: Ethan
Ethan Is always focused on his work. He makes sure to complete all learning tasks in a timely manner.

Grade 3

Care for Self: Bella - For always putting herself in a good learning spot on the carpet so she can listen and others can too
Care for Others: Liam - He is a friend to everyone in the classroom and will help others finish up their work
Care for Place: Calum - He cares for our classroom and will help out wherever needed
Care for Learning: Gregory - He puts forth his best effort into his school tasks and shares his ideas with others

Care for Self: __ shows care for self by coming to school dressed to play outside on cold days.  He was disappointed when we had all the indoor recesses as he was dressed and ready to go outside!  Way to go for being prepared Matthew!
Care for Others: Maks showed care for others when he made a thoughtful card and then walked one of his friends out of the school on his friend’s last day.   What a kind and caring thing for Maks to do!  
Care for Place: Matous has made a concerted effort to remain in the class after the bell so he can tidy up our classroom!  Thank you for all of your help Matous.  
Care for Learning:  Chudear does her best to help others if they are stuck with their work.  She uses her time well and shows initiative to do things that need to be done without being asked.  Thanks Chudear!

Care for Self: ___ for always making sure he has everything ready to go so he is set up for success.
Care for Learning: Allison for always keeping her head down and doing her work in class.
Care for Place: ___ for helping to clean up spills in the classroom
Care for Others: Rafael for always being a good friend to his classmates.

Grade 4

Care for Self: Soloman S  
For bundling up in order to keep himself warm and happy during his walk or bike ride to and from school.
Care for Others: Jorden H
For helping his peers academically and non-academically whenever he sees that they could use support. He does so without being asked to and is genuine in his pursuit of assisting whenever possible.

Care for Place: Amber F
For cleaning up materials or garbage left out by others. She does so without even being asked and she sees value in keeping her classroom clean and organized.
Care for Learning: ___
For demonstrating his curiosity towards learning. Karim always asks thoughtful questions during carpet discussions, he is focused at his desk, and he never rushes his work.

Care for learning: Uchenna
Uchenna has made a continuous effort to do his best work on all activities and tasks. He not only works very hard at school, but does extra work at home too. His effort and care for his learning has shown through his work daily.
Care for others: Hannah
Hannah is a role model in our classroom when it comes to caring for others. She makes new friends very easily and is always offering smiles and warm conversations to her peers and teacher.
Care for place: Ella
Ella always understands classroom expectations and respects everyone and everything around her. She always offers a helpful hand when someone is unsure or needs extra help. Ella is always organized and ready to get started on new projects.
Care for self:  ___
Alex cares for himself by making responsible decisions in regards to his school work and friendships. He understand the expectations of the school and follows them daily. He understands his goals in reading and writing, and works daily on them.

Care for Self: ___: for making positive choices and having a great attitude towards school and his learning.
Care for Others: Tristan: Tristan has made a conscious effort to ensure another student in the classroom feels welcome and understands tasks in the classroom. Tristan will frequently check in with this student to see how his day is going, if he has started his work and to explain a task.
Care for Place: Eden: Eden always asks what she can do to help out in the classroom and takes a few extra minutes to pick up and organize items around the classroom.
Care for Learning: Emmalyn: Emmalyn has been contributing her amazing ideas during class discussions and group work. She has started to push herself further in her learning by adding more details and understandings into her work.

Grade 5

Care for Self: Tayah
Tayah is a tremendous self-advocate.  She frequently asks questions and puts her best effort into all academic tasks.  Tayah is able to set realistic goals for herself.
Care for Others:  Alex
Alex is a kind and compassionate student who treats others with caring.  His sense of humour helps to make our classroom a fun space within which to learn.
Care for Place: ___
Sana takes care of our classroom by helping to organize not only her own learning space but the entire space.  
Care for Learning: Siyar
Siyar enjoys learning and often helps his classmates when he has completed his own work.  He takes his time to ensure that schoolwork is completed neatly and to the best of his ability.

Care for Self: Jayme: Jayme makes decisions that keep her and others safe.
Care for Learning: Kevin: Kevin is an attentive listener and always completes his tasks.
Care for Others: Madison: Madison helps other students with their work and when they are hurt.
Care for Place: Alexander : Alexander keeps the classroom clean to help others learn.


Grade 6

Care for Self: ___
Ethan always has a positive demeanor.  He is always cheerful and will approach all situations with a positive outlook.

Care for Others: Teagan
Teagan shows a lot of empathy for others.  When her classmates are upset, she is the first to ensure they are well taken care of.

Care for Place: ___
Teresa shows care for our classroom by returning any borrowed materials so that others can have access to it.  She does not require reminders to clean up the space she was working at.

Care for Learning: Candy
Candy is a great role model for our class.  She will persevere and put forth her best effort in her school work no matter what the task is.  Her work is always completed above and beyond what is expected of her.

Care for Self: Beau R
Beau constantly demonstrates care for himself by always completing his homework and in-class assignments on time.  He always strives to push himself further and harder by attempting extension challenges and asking questions during lesson.
Care for Others: Lucia M
Lucia is the dictionary definition of care for others.  She constantly supports others during learning, gym, and recess.  She offers her help without being asked too and is a genuine role model for the entire school!
Care for Place: ___
Zander consistently ensures his place, work area, and the classroom is kept in order.  He volunteers for recycling, and even outside during recess can be seen throwing out trash that is not his.  He is a great example of care for place.
Care for Learning: ___

Ghoufran takes learning to the next level.  She is always learning more about herself; whether it is learning a new language, how to write proper sentences, reading, or practicing her math Ghoufran never stops improving herself each day!

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